Sunday, May 29, 2016

Release The Old

Old baggage hinders you from starting a new refreshing life with Christ. The problem with most singles is that they hold on to the smallest things that has caused hurt, pain, and disappointments from their past. The only way Christ can heal you from your brokenness is you have to, willingly, let old baggage go. Whether it's fear, anger, pride, selfishness, jealousy, etc, release it! It's the only way to enjoy a refreshing life with Christ.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Fear only stops you from reaching your destiny that was designed for you to have. The enemy designed false evidence but God has designed your destiny to a greater and better life. Once you let fear go, then blessings can flow. F.E.A.R: False Evidence Appearing Real

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Let Your Light Shine!

There are going to be some people in this life, family, co workers, church goers, etc., who are not going to like you just because you When light shines, darkness flee. Keep being you, positively. The Bible says" In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."(Matt. 5:16 NIV) When your light shines, either people are going to run to it or run from it. Dont stop! Just continually let your light shine!

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Sometimes we got to cut ties with people that are not leading or motivating us, spiritually nor mentally. As we live in this life, positive people are necessary in order to grow where we are going. If they are not, then we are headed for destruction. Cut low life people loose and hook up with motivated people so you can live a positive lifestyle.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Dream Big!

Small dreams are for small minded people that may never accomplish anything. People with high expectations of the future always win. Why? Because they dream B I G.

Pay Attention!

Ladies, if you are dating and he acts differently around you when you guys are  around his family and love ones...LEAVE! This guy is playing with your emotions and it's unhealthy for you. You have to understand that God is not the author of confusion and you do not deserve to be in this "situationship" you both got going on. If he wants you in his life, he'll also want you in his family and love ones life. Pay attention, sweetie!

Stay Focus!

Be not easily distracted. Stay planted in the things of God. Remember, the enemy knows your weaknesses as well as your strengths. And because he knows your strengths well, that's why he distract you with your weaknesses. Don't let the enemy fool you. He knows exactly how to get your attention. Stay focus!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Keep Praying!

Prayer is the number one key to a successful life. Spending time with God in prayer, one on one, eliminates all the negativity that forces you to lose focus to what God has planned for your life. Pray without ceasing and watch God plant great blessings into your life one by one. Keep praying!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The EX Has A Meaning

Single Ladies: Stop going back to him. Going back to past hurts only block future blessings. An "Ex" from the past has a meaning for a reason. He is just an EXample of why your EXit EXisted for a learned EXperience. Leave him alone. He'll be alright. God has better in store for you.

Stop Going Back!

To many times when we are delivered and healed from our brokenness, we tend to fall back into the same trap we were delivered from. When we establish our breakthrough, we are to stay Holy by holding steadfast to the promises that God has made for us. We can't see if we keep walking back into darkness. Flourish. God has great plans for you.

Monday, May 9, 2016

You Are Valuable

Singles, listen up! When you don't know your worth, settling becomes a bad habit. Know who you are. Stop settling for less. You are very valuable.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hand it over and Wait

Never once did God say worry about it, nor did He ever say fix it yourself. But it's when we hand our issues over to the Father then will He direct our path. Remember, when we hand it over though, we must develop patience. Why ask for help if you're not going to have patience? Wait. God is on the way.


Distractions pull you away the plans God has set for you. Distractions lead to destruction. In order to keep from getting off focus during our walk with Christ, we must discipline ourselves and stay planted in the Word. You can't make it to the promise land if you allow what you see around you distract you. Look to the hills. That's where your help is.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Sometimes God has to separate us from people, yes even our love ones, for a while so He can have our undivided attention. Elevation requires separation. Even Jesus left His friends to fast and pray. When God is elevating you, be prepared for separation. It's only necessary.

Move Forward

A car was made to go forward. When you return back to the one's that broke you, you are putting your blessings in neutral. Stop reversing the curse of brokenness and move forward to what God has plan ahead. Put that car in drive and go. Your destiny lies ahead.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Single ladies, your worth is more important than being a fool all your life. Stop allowing these controlling men put a hold on your blessings. Let him go so God can show you how much you are really worth. If you keep giving a dog a reward, he going to keep doing the trick.

Meet With God

Maybe we are to busy with life to see God's plan. It happens. It's part of our nature. Work, kids, family, friends, chaos, struggles, and/or obstacles. Therefore we get so tired and burnt out with just every day life, we tend to throw in towel and give up easily because we lost focus. Only if we just stop and focus on God for just a brief moment, there will we realize that God's plan for us is to be peaceful and full of joy. All He wants us to do is just meet Him right where we are, even in our mess, our struggles, our work life, our chaos, and He will take us right where we need to be. All we have to do is follow Him. This is all apart of #LifeLessons.

Be You

Don't miss your breakthrough by trying to be someone you're not. A lot of times we focus so much on trying to be on top so fast by keeping up with other people that have already gotten their breakthrough. Slow down, be you. Your breakthrough is coming!


Don't allow what others say stop you from reaching your destiny. God has a purpose for your life. What others say only distracts you from where God is taking you, your purpose.  Learn to listen to and rely on the Word of God. This is what's going to push you to where you need to be. #LifeLessons


Life lessons are to help you to grow. The moment you decide to let go of all the baggage you have being carrying and focus on you is the moment you realize how important you are. You are only growing to fulfill your purpose. Don't let obstacles stop you from blooming. #Grow

Should I forgive?

Unforgiveness is a sin. It's the same thing as holding a grudge. But once you learn to forgive and FULLY let go of that thing that caused pain in your life, you can experience peace and joy that will come into your life. Remember, all pain is not permanent, it's just life lessons.

A Running Man

Single Ladies, listen, a man that is running from woman to woman is a man that runs from God. Why? Because if he isn't going to be still for God, he isn't going to be still for you. #LifeLessons